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Baron Eugene Fersen
Svetozar at Archer Mountain

Russian Artist Feodor Zakharov, 1882-1968
Commissioned for Eugene Fersen, 1942.

Baron Eugene Fersen, 1879-1956, was the son of the Grand Duchess of Russia/Poland, Marie Olga Alexandrovna Medem of the Royal House of Medem—one of the oldest and most prominent of all historical bloodlines— reaching back hundreds of noble years. His mother knew before his birth that he was to be a guiding Light for the people of this World. She called him Svetozar, meaning The Lightbearer, which he began penning publicly when he volunteered in the Russian Red Cross during the war. Early in the Baron’s life, his mother arranged for Eugene to learn from great teachers whose knowledge and wisdoms could assist and support the Absolute Eternal Aspects of his Soul; so he may one day fulfill his purpose and his mission here on Earth.

There was an account made that, on his mother's side, Baron Eugene Fersen was a direct descendant of William The Conqueror. His father side, still to this day, requires further research. Baron Eugene put into print that his uncle was Count Leo Tolstoy, the writer famously known for his renowned literary works War and Peace and Anna Karenina. It was shared, that Tolstoy and Gandhi were close friends. 

Baron Eugene Fersen came to the United States, for his second lecture tour in 1904, to share his teachings and lessons in The Science Of Being. From 1906 through 1921, Baron Eugene was investigated by the U.S. Government’s Justice Department for teaching what the U.S. Government termed as ‘radical religious thinking.’ This investigation accelerated during World War I, 1914-1918. In late September of 1921, the United States Government closed its investigation. By early 1923, the U.S. Government allowed Baron Eugene to become an American Citizen and granted him free reign to publish through the American Press, his already well-studied teachings.

Before Baron Eugene was sworn in as an American, the presiding judge cautioned him, that once he took the oath to become an American Citizen, he would no longer be able to take the Polish Royal Throne he was to inherit. Henceforth, Baron Eugene was known as Eugene Fersen to the American public, as 'The Teacher' and Author. Baron Eugene knew his divine purpose and mission was not to reign over Humankind from a throne but to assume a modest seat of service for the spiritual progress of all Humanity.

The Science Of Being teachings have been honored with the title, "The most powerful knowledge ever put in the written form for the public with regard to the scientific spiritual advancement and Liberation for Humankind.

Eugene Fersen was importantly associated with the world’s most eminent teachers, scientists, and philosophers. His education stemmed from the linage of some of the most profound teachers of knowledge, and from the mystery schools he was privy as a royal. Eugene Fersen, 'The Teacher,' launched in his time the greatest human potential movement, that would later become the inspiration for what he termed the enlightenment of ‘The New Age.’


The Desk & Chair of Baron Eugene Fersen

Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum

At the time of his parting into the Great Beyond in July of 1956, Mr. Fersen had personally instructed well over 20,000 students; at that time more than 100,000 people worldwide had read or been exposed to the teachings in the Science Of Being. These teachings today are regarded as some of the most inspiring literary works in the study and education of Quantum Science, Spiritual Science, Human Enlightenment, and the study of the Human Soul.


From the late 1800s to date, Eugene Fersen taught or influenced many of the great historical teachers, scientists, and philosophical thinkers of the past century with his teachings in the Science of Being. He became 'The Teacher of The Teachers' of 'The New Age': Gandhi and his Uncle Tolstoy, Charles Haanel (The Master Key System), Dr. Hotema, Elizabeth Towne (Publisher of Nautilus Magazine), Wallace D. Wattles (The Science Of Getting Rich and The Science Of Being Well), Edgar Cayce, Annie Besant (Translator of the Bhagavad Gita, Theosophist, and Leader of Woman’s Rights), Margaret Sanger (founded Planned Parenthood's mission), Huna Max Freedom Long (wise-teacher and healer of the Huna ways and teacher to the founders of the Course In Miracles Helen Schucman & William Thetford), Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Wayne W. Dyer, Charles Fillmore (Founder of The Unity Church), Samuel Clemens (author of Mark Twain), William Walker Atkinson (one of the three Initiates of the Kybalion), Nikola Tesla, Manly P. Hall, Jerry and Esther Hicks, Adrian Cooper, (Author or Our Ultimate Reality.), Tania Kotsos (Author of Adventures of I.), Dr. Sharron Stroud (World Ambassador of Peace.), and Rudolph Steiner. If we were to list all those influenced by the Science of Being teachings, this list would be vast, and Eternal. Eugene Fersen's unsurpassed universal knowledge continues to optimally influence the true seekers, visionaries, and creatives of today.  

Eugene Fersen, ‘The Teacher’ gave to the world with an open heart, mind, and spirit these profound Truths, his life’s purpose, and his seat-of-power and privilege. His mission was to show all of Humanity the Science back the universal source of all spiritual traditions; he did so through his writings, his lectures, and through his actions. He believed deeply that all of humankind regardless of race, class, creed, gender, or difference should have access to these great wisdoms, that were once only privy to a few. He came to share the Truth of these Wisdoms with the hope that humankind would free themselves from the myths that held them hostage and bound them to an un-liberated existence here on Earth. He shared that there are still vast amounts of profound wisdoms that remain veiled from humankind because the un-liberated subconscious mind had become resistant to comprehending those Truths. Baron Eugene knew, and had faith, that as humans raised their Spiritual Vibrations, in their body and in their mind, as they lived in the physical world, more would be revealed to them. 

Portrait of "The Teacher",
Named Baron Eugene Fersen

Written by L. Anciaux CLB
Montreal Canada Lightbearers

The Teacher
Named Baron Eugene Fersen


Seated on the platform between the CLB (Chief Lightbearer) and the organizing secretary for the Montreal Lightbearers was THE LIGHTBEARER, Eugene Fersen, a man of arresting personality, a trifle above the average height with a carriage, chest expansion and poise of manner which might well be the envy of others half his age. A man who has come to mean, to those who know and love him, a stimulus and an inspiration which mere words cannot express. For sheer courage and tenacity of purpose in the face of overwhelming obstacles he has no equal, and with all the love toward his fellows is mingled a penetrating shrewdness of judgment which forms a perfect balance.

His words have the power to strike within us the lost chord of Truth and surely in his lecture tonight they produced an extraordinary effect, an effect which I am certain will still persist in others who in years to come shall read this and other accounts with understanding eyes, for it will take its place with the immortal literature of all time.

He began with his usual, “Greetings Everybody” and gave what the early Christians called “Blessings,” and which we now call “Vibrations.” Slowly, very slowly this time he extended his arms and covered us in slow circles, like some master musician bringing to a grand rhythm the instruments under his baton, and indeed we could momently feel the surge of that POWER which we know as UNIVERSAL LIFE ENERGY, as it flowed through us producing a state of harmony and peace which has to be experienced to be understood.

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